espresso – in: 21.5g | out: 48g | time: 26-28sec | temp: 93-95°C
filter – ratio: 1:16.7 | time: 2.30-3min | temp: 93-95°C
this versatile natural Rwandan coffee is currently being roasted as filter for Play-Ground subscribers – and has just hit our singles rotation as an espresso roast for wholesale & retail customers. it features a delicate & round acidity with a smooth, medium body and lingering, sweet aftertaste with flavours of peach, cherry & mandarin.
origin: kanyege, nyakabingo, nyamasheke
producer: kanyege washing station – various smallholders
processing method: natural
species: arabica
varietal: bourbon
elevation: 1800-2100m above sea level
roasted for: espresso & filter
about me.
Kanyege washing station, in the district of Nyamasheke, is considered one of the best washing stations in Rwanda. the combination of high altitude, regular rainfall & nutrient rich soil, make the perfect environment for growing high quality coffee. Kanyege continually produces exceptional coffee due to their commitment & enthusiasm for producing specialty coffee.
Kanyege washing station is also part of Sucafina Rwanda’s (Rwacof) farm management project. the project trains casual workers in best agricultural practices & connects them with farmers. workers can assist by taking on tasks like pruning, fertilser & pesticide application, and harvesting.
in order to reach Kanyege washing station, the last kilometer or so must be traveled on foot. the path is lined with plots of healthy Bourbon trees set on a hilly landscape. between the months of December & May the branches of the trees are weighed down with cherries that become redder & redder as the season goes on. soon, these perfectly ripe cherries will be picked and delivered to Kanyege washing station. cherries delivered to Kanyege are from over 940 smallholder farms, at altitudes between 1,800 and 2,100 meters above sea level.
at intake, the station floats all the cherries to remove any low-density ones. the high-density cherries are hand sorted to remove any visible defects. after intake, coffee is placed in thin layers on tables to sun dry & sifted regularly to ensure even drying. the coffee is covered at the hottest times of the day & during periods of rain.
naturally processed coffee is quite uncommon in Rwanda & is relatively new to the country in general. this year they decided to experiment a little & have produced this wonderful natural lot which we were lucky enough to secure exclusively.
the result is a fruit driven & delicate cup that has a beautiful, lingering sweetness that leaves you wanting more.