Our organic blend is a delicious, lighter-style roast that is equally beautiful as espresso or through milk. With notes of choc orange, sweet spice, berries & warm hugs.
Eco Warrior cares for the earth and all who call her home. Socially conscious, organic and sustainably farmed. This coffee is rich & syrupy with a sweet, balanced finish.
It has a direct impact at origin through biodiversity & habitat conservation and community empowerment & development. Through two wonderful initiatives: the Orangutan Coffee Project (OCP) in Sumatra and the Wild Coffee Conservation (WCC) Project in Ethiopia.
We also donate 5% of all Eco Warrior sales to our favourite Australian charities (more below), having an impact at home & abroad.
A gorgeous blend of coffees from Peru, Indonesia & now Ethiopia. The addition of the Ethiopian brings a new & improved flavour profile, as well as added community & environmental benefits.
This blend is for the game-changers who want to drink awesome coffee while doing awesome things.
We’ve carefully sourced the origins that make up our Eco Warrior blend from the farms below, and though some components may change, our partnership with OCP is ongoing:
Since 2018, we’ve thrown our support behind the Orangutan Coffee Project in Indonesia. It’s a 360-degree project focused around two main initiatives. The first helps Sumatran coffee farmers operate environmentally friendly coffee plantations. OCP empowers farmers to produce consistently high-quality coffee in compliance with EU organic standards, with a commitment to protecting the rainforest and its wildlife.
The second, supports the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP) that cares for, protects & rehabilitates injured, orphaned & rescued orangutans, all while fighting deforestation!
Some of our crew were lucky enough to visit Sumatra to see firsthand how the programs are benefiting the communities, rainforest conservation efforts & the endangered local wildlife. If you’d like to read more about this project…we have another post all about OCP here.
Wet hulling, or giling basah, is the traditional method used in Indonesia due to the year round humidity. And while there are similarities to wet/washed processing, it produces entirely different cup characteristics.
The cherries are pulped then fermented overnight in concrete water tanks or plastic rice bags. They’re washed the next day to remove the mucilage, then sun dried in their parchment for 2-3 days until the moisture content reaches 20-24% (in typical wet processing, the beans would continue to dry until around 11%). The beans are then carefully hulled using special equipment & sun dried for a few more days.
President of Lima Coffees, Rony Lavan has established himself at the fore of microlot-quality coffees in Cajamarca. In his first year with Lima Coffees, he entered the national competition and won.
Rony is an ambitious & quality-driven cupper who has spent his career trying to carve out better and bolder coffees from small producers in Peru. While the country is emerging as a specialty market after many years of focusing on bigger lots and certifications, Rony’s passion is with identifying and developing the top scores and the best cups.
A large part of coffee farmland in Peru is certified organic (around 90,000 hectares), making it one of the places with the highest percentage of certified-organic exported coffee in the world. It is estimated that 25–30% of the smallholder farmers in Peru are members of democratically organised cooperatives and associations, making it easier to source FTO-certified lots.
The vast majority of Peruvian coffee is washed, and many producers own their own wet-milling equipment. Smallholder farmers deliver their cherry to Lima Coffee for processing. The coffees are depulped the same day they are harvested, and given a 12-18 hour open-air fermentation before being washed clean of mucilage and dried on patios or raised beds.
The latest addition to the blend also has a two-pronged approach. Farmers in the Yesheko Coffee Cooperative cultivate coffee in 4.8 hectares of forested land. The farmers in Bench Sheko have a long history of cultivating forest coffee and continue the tradition to this day. It’s grown through minimal intervention beneath tree canopy, preserving habitat for local species. This unique growing environment produces an extremely high quality coffee.
Since farmland doesn’t have to be cleared to grow this coffee, the land can continue to sequester more carbon, nourish the soil and protect the species that live there. The diversity of plants in the forest and the natural wildlife helps to improve soil nutrition and minimises the need for fertilisers or other inputs.
We sourced this coffee via the Wild Coffee Conservation project which benefits 79 local communities & over 6,000 families. WCC empowers farmers to manage forest resources & develop sustainable uses for non-timber products (like coffee). Farmers selectively handpick ripe, red cherry and take it to the central co-op mill to be processed. It’s laid out and raked frequently over 21 days to ensure even drying.
coffee that gives back
In addition to all of the incredible projects this coffee supports at origin, it also has a direct impact at home. We donate 5% of all Eco Warrior bean & merch sales to our favourite Australian charities through our Community Initiatives program. You can head over to Community Initiatives for updates on where we’re donating our dollars each quarter & learn more about the initiatives Eco Warrior supports.
Wanna drink coffee that gives back? Head to the store to grab yourself some of our Eco Warrior blend.